2014年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科
Transculturality:Cultural Hybridization[4277]
1単位 カーニー マイケル 准教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ]
- <授業のねらい>
- This course applies current cultural and critical theoretical devises to the examination of various regions and time periods in order to reveal crossovers, merges, adaptations, and supplantations of culturally constructed systems; thus, revealing that the notion of concise homogeneous cultures is antiquated and that in fact cultures are hybridizations.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- None. Students must be willing to try to communicate in English. The class will be in English.
- <具体的な到達目標>
- After completing this course, students will be able to analyze elements of cultures and discover their transcultural elements. This will bring the student to have a greater understanding of the world they live in. Since the course is in English, students will also have improved their English abilities.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- Week 1: Orientation and overview of course
Weeks 2-4: Introduction and Discussion of Terminology and Concepts Culture vs. natural Cultural systems Intercultural; cross-cultural; transcultural Cultural Hybridization Nation & national International Ethnic divisions; racial divisions Multinational; multicultural; multiethnic; multiracial Global; regional Weeks 5-6: Examination of interaction between ancient civilizations Weeks 7-9: Examination of age of exploration, colonization, and imperialism Weeks10-11: Examination of the post-colonial era Weeks 12-15: Examination of the globalized era and its possible future trajectories
Students will have reading and writing homework. The professor will give oral and written feedback.
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Homework (20%), course work (20%), projects/tessts (30%), participation (30%).
- <教科書>
- No text is required for this course.
- <参考書>
- None
- <オフィスアワー>
- Shinjuku Campus: room A-2737 Wednesdays & Thursdays lunch time and by appointment.
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