2014年度工学院大学 情報学部コンピュータ科学科

Reading Skills in English IA[3436]

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D.トーマス 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2015/02/13

The goal of this course is to help students become better readers in English. The course will focus on building comprehension skills through “intensive reading” and analysis of short passages of text from the textbook. It will also assist students in building reading fluency by means of “extensive reading” of longer passages from graded readers.

Students who have successfully completed high school level English classes.

Students will practice reading skills such as identifying the main topic of a text, understanding the gist of the text, making inferences about the writer's thoughts, and finding detailed points relevant to the writer’s topic. Scanning and skimming will also be practiced with the goal of increasing reading fluency. Vocabulary building is an important part of this course.

Short passages from the textbook will be read and discussed in small groups. Students may be asked to make short presentations on topics occurring in the text and will be encouraged to offer their thoughts on the topics being discussed.

Grading will be based on three main elements: 1) participation/attendance/attitude; 2) quizzes/homework tasks/reading logs; and 3) one end-of-term test

Douglas, N. (2009) Reading Explorer 1. Heinle Cengage Learning.

Please also buy one book from the Oxford Graded Reader Series. You can choose any level you like (from level 1 to level 6) but choose a level that you are comfortable with. How to choose a level: open the book and read one or two pages. If there are more than 5 or 6 words on a page that you don’t understand, try a lower level.


By appointment.

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