2014年度工学院大学 グローバルエンジニアリング学部機械創造工学科
△Communication Skills for Global Engineers IIIA[2A14]
2単位 S.ブルック 准教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ] P.パトリックノエル 非常勤講師
- <授業のねらい>
- This class will assist students in further developing their skills in English, with a focus on Engineering English. Students will develop their communicative competence in Engineering English, critical thinking, and discussion skills. Students are expected to research, prepare for and contribute to weekly class discussions and complete all assigned tasks.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- There are no pre-requisites, although completion of the first two years of the CSGE program will help prepare students for this course.
- <具体的な到達目標>
- Use Engineering English in international environments and teams.
Deliver Powerpoint presentations. Understand and use the language and terminology of the engineering world. Write short reports. (JABEE学習・教育目標) 「国際工学プログラム」(E) ◎
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- Week 1: Course Introduction
Week 2: Technology in Use Week 3: Technology in Use Week 4: Materials Technology Week 5: Materials Technology Week 6: Static & Dynamic Principles Week 7: Mid-Term Presentations Week 8: Components and Assemblies Week 9: Components and Assemblies Week 10: Engineering Design Week 11: Engineering Design Week 12: Breaking Points Week 13: Breaking Points Week 14: Energy & Temperature Week 15: Final Presentations
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Assessment: Writing Projects 30%, Presentations 30%,
Participation/Leadership/Homework 20%, Tests 20% 単位取得にはTOEIC受験が必要です.
- <教科書>
- Cambridge English for Engineering, by Mark Ibbotson, Cambridge University Press, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-521-71518-8
- <参考書>
- Professional English in Use: Engineering, by Mark Ibbotson, Cambridge University Press, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-521-73488-2
- <オフィスアワー>
- Hachioji Wed 4:30-6:00
Shinjuku Tue 3:00-5:00
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