2014年度工学院大学 第1部電気システム工学科


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カーニー マイケル 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2015/02/13

The aim of this course is to develop the students' knowledge and understanding regarding the forces in action within the concept of globalization.

None. However, students must be willing to try to communicate in English. The class will be in English.

At the end of this class, students will be able to analyze and better understand the globalizing world in which they live. The students English abilities will also have improved since the class is in English.

The course will begin with an examination of the concept of globalization. Attention will then be given to the different periods, or stages, of globalization, through-out human history. Areas that will be considered:
Weeks 1 through 5: The Ancient World - Mediterranean Societies, South-Asia, East-Asia
Weeks 6 through 8: Religious Expansion
Weeks 9 through 12: Exploration and Colonization
The latter part of the course, weeks 13 through 15, will analyze globalization as it functions today, the effects it has on regional cultures, and consider possible developments in the globalization of the future and how these may influence human society.

Students will have reading and writing for homework. The professor will give oral and written feedback.
Students must achieve 60% or above to earn the credit.

Homework (20%), course work (20%), projects/tests (30%), participation (30%)

No text is required for this course.


Shinjuku: A-2737 Wednesday & Thursday lunch time and by appointment.

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