2013年度工学院大学 第1部機械システム工学科

Academic Writing[1A04]

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和田 朋子 准教授  
[ 教員業績  JP  EN ]

最終更新日 : 2013/12/02

The aim of this course is to help advanced learners of English to develop their skills to write academic papers in English. Language, as it is often said, is no more than a tool that conveys what one wishes to express. This course will focus both on the content and technique aspects of students' writing. By the end of this course, students will hopefully be able to write well-organized papers at the level that would be accepted at universities in English-spoken countries.

This course operates as a workshop where students, under the supervision of the instructor, write papers in English.

The instructor will be giving lectures on how to construct each part of an academic paper, and the students will follow through with each of the steps until, by the end of the term, they have a complete research paper in front of them.

Day 1. Guidance: Getting oriented in the nature of this course
Preparation: Reflect on which area you are interested in doing a research
Day 2. Deciding on the topic: Coming up with a general idea of what sort of topic your reseach will be on
Preparation: Reflect on which topic you are interested in doing a research
Day 3. Deciding on the subject: Coming up with a precise subject of your research
Preparation: Write the thesis statement of your research paper
Day 4. Deciding on the thesis statement: Finalizing your thesis statement
Preparation: Write the final version of the thesis statement
Day 5. Outlining the research: Planning the outline of the research
Preparation: Decide on the research questions, how the research will be carried out, and how the research paper will be organized
Day 6. Literature review: Building the foundation of the research
Preparation: Carry out a literature review on the research subject and build the foundation of what will be studied in the research
Day 7. Research: Collecting applicable data/information
Preparation: Collect and organize the data/information
Day 8. Analysis and reflection: analyzing and reflecting on the research result
Preparation: Analyze and reflect on the research result
Day 9. Organizing and writing a paper / Writing the introduction section of a paper
Preparation 1: Work on the paper to present the research in a written form
Preparation 2: Write the introduction of the paper
Day 10. Writing the body 1: Writing the literature review / research question / methodology
Preparation: Write the literature review / research question / methodology
Day 11. Writing the body 2: Writing the result section of a paper
Preparation: Write the result section of a paper
Day 12. Writing the body 3: Writing the discussion section of a paper
Preparation: Write the discussion section of a paper
Day 13. Writing the conclusion section of a paper
Preparation: Write the conclusion of the paper
Day 14. Feedback : Getting the feedback on the research paper
Preparation: Reflect on the paper you have written and the feedback you have received on it.
Day 15. Consolidation: Getting the overall feedback on the research
Preparation: Reflect on the research you have done and what sort of feedback you have been given

Students will be assessed by the quality of work they do in class and by how well they have improved during the course. The quality of the paper handed in at the end of the term will be considered as the final assessment.

・「はじめての英語論文:パターン表現&文例集」 和田朋子著(すばる舎) ISBN978-4-88399-676-6

月曜日 15:00−18:00(新宿)
Please make an appointment beforehand by sending a message to wada@cc.kogakuin.ac.jp

Only those students who are academically motivated are welcomed in this course. It is also advised that participants have some kind of academic field that they are interested in, since they will be asked to write one well-developed, in-depth paper on a certain academic topic during the course. They are to attend every class with their homework done. Although this course can be a half-year course, it is advised that the students take Short Paper Writing in sping semester since what is done in each semester is supplemented by the other.


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