2012年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科

Integrated Skills in EnglishB[3282]

試験情報を見る] [授業を振り返ってのコメント(学内限定)

ウエスト ロバート 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2012/12/14

The objective of the course is to encourage students to communicate about their lives, culture, and interests using using written and spoken English.This will be done through presentations and short writing assignments. Elements of reading listening will also be included.

Each class period will cover sections in the “Ready to Write 1” textbook; including grammar, sentence construction, paragraph writing basics, sample writing activities, and writing about student real live experiences. This will all be geared to short essay writing assignments and oral presentations. I will supply students with my own materials for presentation writing as they progress.

Presentation: 25%, Short-term paper: 25%, Class participation 50%.

Absents - Students will fail on the fourth absence.
Lates - After more than 15 minutes late, students will be marked absent. Three lates will be
considered one absent.

Ready to Write 1 (Pearson Longman) ISBN 978-0-13-136330-4

Wednesday 9:00 - 12:30


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