2012年度工学院大学 第1部情報通信工学科

Communicative English A[4203]

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M.E.コズグローブ 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2012/12/14

a)To instil in students a love of speaking in English through conversation with peers and a desire and motivation to speak more by relating the topics of conversation to student’s own lives and culture.b)To guide students into the use of Internet dictionaries and Internet search engines to build vocabulary and content for conversation.c)To improve students knowledge of question and answer strategies, grammar, sentence structure and lexical items. d) To help students understand everyday English through enjoyable video stories That will further motivate students to use English in their everyday lives

a)Using prepared question papers students will converse with their classmates and the answers to the questions will be checked each week. Common mistakes will be corrected through class discussion time.b)Students will use Online study and Internet dictionaries to find any Japanese word they would like to translate into English for the conversations. Objective of course
This course aims to give many opportunities for students to understand English Communication and to use this communication to regularly communicate with peers orally and through mobile telephone texting and to follow a logical story through conversation online. The objective being that students will be able to use English conversation in their everyday lives, their jobs and utilize this knowledge of everyday spoken English in English tests such as TOEIC. EIKEN etc..

Attainment targets of Course
Students should be able to understand spoken everyday English and be able to logically respond to comprehension questions
Students should be able to ask questions of their own and understand the logical sequence of questions and be able to answer in lengthy logical answers and not use yes or no only answers.
Key points for academic results)
Students will be required to read several Manga style books from the library to see the logical course of conversations and dialogues. Students will be given short review summaries of new vocabulary several times during the semester. Also conversation answers will be checked regularly to review the improvement of each student and a final review summary of online study and short quizzes throughout the semester will enter into the calculation of the grades. Attendance and class participation will be required for a satisfactory grade.
Assessment procedures and Standards for Academic results Students will be assessed on their ability to ask and answer questions from knowledge gleaned through online video story study and through conversation practice with peers
small pop quizzes and pop summaries given throughout the semester
How to teach students) Students will use Internet video stories which are a proven enjoyable method of learning everyday conversational English. Most study will be enjoyable and easy home Internet video watching with most class time being spent in reviews with peers and peer conversation printed handouts and easy enjoyable quizzes will help students remember the vocabulary

Internet video story comprising 42 videos available also to students through free podcasts from Apple i tune store
Textbooks Internet dictionaries and search engines
library resources

Books for reference Internet dictionaries and search engines and an easy Internet video story, will be used to help students build vocabulary needed for writing Students will be encouraged to use written materials from the library

Anytime before and after the class or by e-mail. Please find my e-mail address on the home page
Students will have a partner to communicate with. Please make sure you keep good communication with your partner in English every week

Reminders for taking the course
Students will need an A4 40 clear pocket folder so that they can keep their writing neat and easily accessible. Also students will need a USB memory stick to save their ongoing computer links. These will be required every lesson Internet computer connection at home is essential.

Students will be encouraged to keep in regular contact with their classmates by mobile telephone e-mail
assignments etc can be sent by e-mail to the computer e-mail address
Students input will be welcome.
Please feel free to ask questions in class by first raising your hand to attract the teacher's attention



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