2011年度工学院大学 建築学部

Basic Reading Skills II[3432]

試験情報を見る] [授業を振り返ってのコメント(学内限定)

バーンハート ジョン 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2012/03/09

This course is a continuation of Basic Reading Skills I. In BRS I, students read picture books and short stories. In BRS II, students will read novels, biographies, and non-fiction texts. The primary goal of this course is to encourage you to enjoy reading English. The secondary goals are to improve your reading comprehension and to increase your reading speed.

In this course, you will read. You should get in the habit of reading every day. After each reading, you will complete a longer written report on what you have read. In class, you will talk to the professor about what you have read.

In July, students will be given a list of approved books from which they may select. They will be given PDF files of these books before the summer vacation so that they may begin reading the books during the summer. Students should read between three (3) and six (6) books during the semester.

Class time will be used to read, to write book reports, and to talk with the professor about what you have read.

Your grade in this course depends on how much you read. The more you read, the higher your grade. Please give me your finished written book reports every week.

The required books will be provided to the students as PDF files. Students should bring a USB with them to class on July 20 to receive the PDF files.

Students may not look at dictionaries while they are reading but might want to use a dictionary after they finish reading.

As a part-time and temporary worker, I have no office. Thus, I have no office hours. Students must communicate with me in the classroom before or during class. I will not talk with students after class.

Do not be absent or late from the first class. Do not be absent or late from the last class.

All the readings are PDF files that may be read on the computer screen. If you print some of the readings, please share the print outs with your classmates so that they will not have to print them. In this way we can create less waste and be eco-friendly.



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