2011年度工学院大学 建築学部

Introduction to Communicative English II[1322]

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バーンハート ジョン 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2012/03/09

This course is a continuation of Introduction to Communicative English I, sharing the same goal.

In Introduction to Communicative English II, students will continue to complete homework assignments, group activities in class, and quizzes as they did in Introduction to Communicative English I.

50% Homework + 25% Classwork + 25% Quizzes

There is no textbook. Students will be able to download all material for use in class from the Internet.

Students will find a dictionary very helpful.

As a part-time and temporary worker, I have no office. Thus, I have no office hours. Students must communicate with me in the classroom before or during class. I will not talk with students after class.

Do not be late to or absent from the first class of the semester (September 12).

Do not be late to or absent from the last class of the semester (January 16).

On September 19, students should go to the library to study and not to the classroom.

Homework is 50% of your grade, so please do your homework!

Classwork and quizzes are 50% of your grade, so please do not be absent!



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