2011年度工学院大学 第1部環境エネルギー化学科

Communicative English A[4403]

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M.E.コズグローブ 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2012/03/09

Course Purpose: a)To instill in students a love of speaking in English through conversation with peers and a desire and motivation to speak more by relating the topics of conversation to student’s own lives and culture .b)To guide students into the use of Internet dictionaries and Internet search engines to build vocabulary and content for conversation. c)To improve student‘s knowledge of question and answer strategies, grammar, sentence structure and lexical items. 

Course contents: a)Using prepared question papers students will converse with their classmates and the answers to the questions will be handed in for checking each week. Common mistakes will be corrected through class discussion time .b) Students will use Internet websites to improve listening skills and grammar and Internet dictionaries to find any Japanese word they would like to translate into English for the conversations. Also search engines will be utilized for information students would like to include in their conversations. c) Teach the strategies necessary for interesting and enjoyable conversations. Quiz、Songs and other suitable games will be used to review new vocabulary prepared for the topic.

Students will be required to study an Internet video story for listening and vocabulary. Students will be required to read several Manga style books from the library to see the logical course of conversations and dialogues. Students will be given short summary quizzes of new vocabulary several times during the semester. Also conversation answers will be checked regularly to review the improvement of each student. A mid -term exam and a final exam and short quizzes and pop tests throughout the semester will enter into the calculation of the grades. Attendance and class participation will be required for a satisfactory grade.

Library books and printed notes and Internet video course and Video in class.
40 clear pocket folder will be used to keep notes. Internet connection at home is recommended.


Roll will be taken every lesson Absence does not excuse students from doing the required work. Please check with classmates if you miss a class to make sure you have studied each lesson.


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