2008年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科
△英語コミュニケーションD(English Communication D)[5457]
1単位 C.ホーン 非常勤講師
- <授業のねらい及び具体的な達成目標>
- This semester we will continue the development of verbal communication and listening skills. The text is a topic-based conversation course. Each interactive, fluency-based unit encourages students to share their own lives, interests and opinions. Each topic is introduced by listening to a completely unrehearsed recording of native speakers doing the task being presented to the class. All the native speakers on the recordings are, in fact, university students in Hawaii, therefore, presenting the kind of English most relevant to the young adults participating in this class.
- <授業計画>
- 1. Pairwork discussions
2. Topic 7 - listening & dialogue 3. Topic 7 - speaking practice/pairwork interviews 4. Topic 8 - listening & dialogue 5. Topic 8 - speaking practice/pairwork interviews 6. Mini Test 7. Topic 9 - listening & dialogue 8. Topic 9 - speaking practice/pairwork interviews 9. Topic 10 - listening & dialogue 10.Topic 10 - speaking practice/pairwork interviews 11.Topic 11 - listening & dialogue 12.Topic 11 - speaking practice/pairwork interviews/Final Report information 13.Topic 12 - listening & dialogue 14.Topic 12 - speaking practice/pairwork interviews/Final Report due
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Attendance 20%
Participation 35% Tests/Quizzes 20% Final Report 25%
- <教科書>
- Topic Talk (second edition) by David Martin (EFL Press)
- <オフィスアワー>
- Please make an appointment with the teacher
- <学生へのメッセージ>
- This class will contnue to focus on active participation and attendance, rather than test results. Students must still attend regularly, and take an active role in each class. The work will continue to be challenging but this semester students will have more confidence in their own ability to communicate. Our class will continue to be relaxed and fun!
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