2008年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科

Essay writing/Academic writing B[4378]

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カーニー マイケル 准教授  
[ 教員業績  JP  EN ]

最終更新日 : 2009/11/04

This course will reinforce the techniques taught in Essay Writing/Academic Writing A. Students will be guided through research techniques, paraphrasing, quoting, referencing, writing bibliographies and works cited, and writing abstracts. The culmination of the course will be the production of a term paper.

This course will operate as a workshop where students will write, under the supervision of the instructor, a term paper.

Grades will be based on course work.

No text is required for this course.

Shinjuku Campus: Wednesdays & Thursdays lunch time and by appointment.


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