2008年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科

Reading Skills in English IIA[3378]

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足立 節子 准教授  
[ 教員業績  JP  EN ]

最終更新日 : 2009/11/04

Utilizing the skills learned in Reading Skills in English IA/IB, the students will engage various mediums: written and non-written materials (movies, art, advertising, music, fashion, technology). The aim is to have the students develop their abilities to decipher and comment, from a critical point of view, on a wide range of topics.

This class will focus on developing the variety of skills needed to enable the student to become an autonomous and confident reader of English language material. Skills that will be given consideration are: reading for main ideas; reading for detailed information; inferring meaning from context; active reading; understanding and following English phrasing; and internalization of read material. There will be short in class readings and readings assigned for homework. The students will be required to demonstrate their understanding of texts in both oral and written form.

Grades will be based on homework, short papers, quizzes, tests and class participation.

No text is required for this course.

Shinjuku Campus: Wednesdays & Thursdays lunch time and by appointment.


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