2008年度工学院大学 情報学部コンピュータ科学科

Reading Skills in English IIB[5378]

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C.ホーン 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2009/11/04

In the Fall semester of our reading class, we will continue to develop and improve reading skills. However,in this semester as well as continuing our textbook, we will try to read and discuss several newspaper items. Students will continue reading for pleasure outside the classroom. Continued motivation will be expected for success.

1. Summer reports
2. Story 11
3. Quiz 11/Story 12
3. Quiz 12/Newspaper article
4. Story 13
5. Quiz 13/Story 14
6. Mini Test/Newspaper article
7. Story 15
8. Quiz 15/Story 16
9. Quiz 16/Newspaper article
10.Story 17
11.Quiz 17/Story 18
12.Quiz 18/Story 19
13.Quiz 19/Newspaper article
14.Final Test

Attendance 20%
Participation 20%
Extensive Reading 20%
Quizzes 20%
Final Test 20%

More True Stories by Sandra Heyer (Longman

Please make an appointment with the teacher

As in Spring semester, the syllabus is flexible. The class will progress at a suitable level for the students. Please continue your English skills class with me. Our class will still be enjoyable but we must work hard.


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