2008年度工学院大学 第1部環境化学工学科
△Communicative English B[1352]
2単位 J.R.イー 非常勤講師
- <授業のねらい及び具体的な達成目標>
- Communicative English B is a basic speaking and listening class. The main goal of this class is to improve your ability to communicate in English. To improve your communication skills, in this class you will practice listening and speaking, learn new words and phrases, and review grammar you have previously learned. You will also use reading and writing to improve your communication. By the end of the term, you will be able to have and control simple conversations in English about a variety of subjects using listening and speaking strategies, use English in simple functions (such as introducing yourself, describing locations, and giving directions), and use your English skills to communicate your ideas and feelings. The following are the specific objectives of the course, in terms of what students will be able to do by the end of the course:
Greet people, introduce yourself, ask for and give personal information; Describe people's appearance, personality, and family relationships; Talk about personal routines and plans; Describe locations, rooms, and objects; Ask for and give directions; Talk about past activities; Describe past events and personal activities; Invite and suggest, accept and reject invitations and suggestions; Talk about plans, make predictions; Compare items while shopping; Give and confirm instructions, describe a sequence; Ask questions and talk about personal events and experiences.
- <授業計画>
1 - Class Introduction 2 - Meeting, Exchanging Information 3 - Describing People and Relationships 4 - Describing People and Relationships 5 - Talking about Routines and Plans 6 - Talking about Routines and Plans 7 - Interview #1 8 - Describing Places and Things 9 - Describing Places and Things 10 - Asking for and Giving Directions 11 - Asking for and Giving Directions 12 - Presentation #1 13 - Talking about Past Activities 14 - Talking about Past Activities 15 - Mid-Term Examination 16 - Describing Past Events and Experiences 17 - Describing Past Events and Experiences 18 - Invitations and Suggestions 19 - Invitations and Suggestions 20 - Plans, Making Predictions, Reacting 21 - Plans, Making Predictions, Reacting 22 - Interview #2 23 - Comparing Things and Shopping 24 - Comparing Things and Shopping 25 - Instructions, Describing a Sequence 26 - Instructions, Describing a Sequence 27 - Presentation #2 28 - Personal Events and Interests 29 - Personal Events and Interests 30 - Final Examination
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Grading:
Quizzes & Homework 20% Interviews (2) 10% Presentations (2) 10% Mid-Term Exam 20% Final Exam 20% Attendance/Participation 20% -------------------------------- Total = 100%
- <教科書>
- Required Textbook:
English Firsthand 1, New Gold Edition Publisher = Pearson/Longman ISBN = 9789620053450
- <オフィスアワー>
- Office Hours:
Mondays 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM, Building 1, Teacher's Room 12:30 - 1:10 PM, Building 15, Room 15-104
- <学生へのメッセージ>
- I hope that by taking this class, you will become able to communicate in English, and come to like speaking and using English too!
- <備考>
- For further information, send me an e-mail:
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